I had a note from Lorraine (Rothwell) Bell this morning saying that her son-in-law, Aaron Blankenhorn, was killed in an automobile accident on October 3.
Continue reading “More sad news”
Author: admin
eMail listserv
In response to requests to exchange email addresses at the reunion in July, we now have a listserv (an email discussion list) set up through this site. This will allow people who sign up to send a message to one email address and have it go to all the people who have subscribed. You can reply too, which will go to whoever posted the message, or choose “reply all” from your mail program and your reply will go to the entire list.
You may sign up here. You can sign up more than once if you use more than one email address. Please follow the instructions on the members page, including your full name which is NOT optional for this list. Spam is a concern so there is no automatic sign up — people requesting membership will be checked against the class roster.
If you don’t want to sign up on the web page, please contact Kathy by email giving the address you wish to use. There are four of us signed up as of this morning.
For this to work, you will need to keep your address current, so if you have a change, please visit the members web page or contact Kathy.
This can be used for catching up between reunions or letting people know where you are so meetings can be arranged.
More reunion photos
The pictures Sharon took at the reunion are now available in the 2006 Class Reunion album in the photo gallery. Registration (free) is required to view them.
Breakfast meeting
Sandy Frailey, Kathy Graff, Sharon Miller, and Linda Moore met for breakfast on August 31 at Schall’s Family Restaurant on highway 422 in Elderton. We are planning to meet regularly, depending on Linda’s work schedule.
For classmates who live nearby and want to join in, please call one of us (all are in the phone book). Contact Kathy Graff by email if you live outside the Elderton area but come back to visit occasionally, we will try to include you too!
John Collar
This morning I received email messages from Jim and Sharon saying that John had passed away. He was able to attend our 40th reunion at Jim and Linda’s home despite being quite ill. John will be sadly missed.
Continue reading “John Collar”
Been there, done that, still eating leftovers
I turned off 422 and proceeded down an asphalt road for about three miles, then turned onto gravel lane. At places there was quite a bit of grass between the two tire tracks as the narrow lane wound up over a hill, down, and up again. At the end of the lane was Jim and Linda’s place (photo above).
There were shady spots to sit and chat. We played a lot of “guess who” giving each other hints that were helpful or misleading. Sometimes a look at old yearbook pictures helped. As the afternoon progressed, the years melted away. There was lots of laughter and sad moments too. As John said, we are still 18 inside.
Food was plentiful and delicious. As it got dark and time to leave, we kept delaying. I don’t think anyone wanted to say goodbye.
Several people asked about keeping in touch by email. I can set up a listserv (email discussion list) here. I will send directions to everyone who gave email addresses.
I posted photos in the Photo Gallery section. Tom posted some photos before the reunion. There is plenty of room left. Especially for those classmates who were unable to attend, we would like to see your faces again!
It is not too late
Sharon says that although we set a deadline of June 17 for RSVP, there is plenty of food and soft drinks. Anyone who shows up at Jim and Linda’s house with the $15 will be welcome.
So, if you missed the deadline, please try to come anyway.
Reunion request
Jim and Linda have requested that as many attendees as possible bring chairs. They had planned to borrow chairs from the fire station, that that is no longer possible. Please contact them at the phone number or email in your invitation if you have questions or can help out.
1966 to 2006 – Reunion plans
OK classmates! Here it is 40 years later. Please try to come to the reunion on July 15, 2006. It will be casual, a picnic at a private home in R.D. 1 Ford City. RSVP by June 17. Come at 1 PM and stay for a meal in the early evening. Please contribute $15 per person attending to help cover the costs of food, non-alcoholic beverages, and supplies.
If you can’t come in person, lets try to catch up here. You will need to register to leave a comment. No fee, if you need help please contact me.
If you would like to add posts, please let me know and I will set that up.
If you have a personal or business web site, I would be happy to add it to the list of links.