Theresa Reefer Meyer has reported the loss of another classmate. Obituary
John Waldenville r.i.p.
Obituary – click here
February 12, 1948 ~ January 8, 2018 (age 69)
Reunion on June 18, 19!
Saturday evening, June 18 catered dinner at The Towne Hall in Elderton
Sunday afternoon, June 19 informal gathering in Gastown
RSVP by May 15, 2016
Please use this contact form to submit questions or comments to forward to the reunion committee.
2016 – 50th graduation anniversary
It will be 50 years since graduation in June 2016. We are starting to plan an event and update contact information.
You may contact the organizers through our Facebook Group or Sharon Beers Miller, Linda Blystone Odre, or Theresa Reefer Meyer directly.
Brunch Bunch
Kathie Campbell Young
We lost another classmate on Monday, February 9, 2015. Kathie had been fighting cancer for some time. Her obituary:
It has been suggested on our Facebook Group that since many of us are turning 66 this year that we have a Class of 66 reunion somewhere on Route 66 (Falcon’s Park, Speedy’s, Garda’s etc.).

Our Facebook Group is closed, so if you are not a member, you will need to request membership to join in the discussion. You may comment here too, but we get a lot less traffic.
Monthly brunch
We are still meeting at 9 am on the first Thursday of the month at Tina’s Log Cabin in Elderton.
They now have free WiFi, so bring your tech toys, especially if you have pictures of grandchildren to share.
No RSVP, just show up. You can have a full breakfast or just a snack or cup of coffee.
Our Facebook Group seems to have vanished but we still have many classmates active there.
Closing final?
June 27, 2012 school board meeting report.
Looks like Elderton High School and Kittanning Township will be closed starting this fall.